Seaplane from SS Ile de France lands mail in Boston Harbor after leaving the liner 300 miles off Nova Scotia and landing 10 hours later, saving 30 hours. Deer Island light in background. LJ note: 'First mails by water'

Wilmer Stultz's amphibious plane at East Boston Airport after flight from Saratoga |
Bernt Balchen's plane ready for take off to aid Viking disaster victims on Horse Island, Newfoundland. |
Donald MacMillan and his plane |
First mail by water plane lands in Boston Harbor, 1928. Radio operator Marcel Mourion of the Ilede France seaplane, which landed here yesterday afternoon, is about to disembark with two of the mail pouches. The craft reached Boston inner harbor 10 hours after leaving the liner. Left liner 300 miles off Nova Scotia. 36 hours saved here on delivery. |
Airship glides along top of water. Marblehead Harbor |
Plane at Squantum Naval Station. |