Foxx, Jimmie

Jimmie Fox (A's) and Wes Ferrell (Red Sox) at Fenway Park
Jimmy Foxx - 16 - Philadelphia Athletics left and Wes Ferrell - pitcher Red Sox at Fenway Park
All Star line up including Foxx and Gehrig
Jimmie Foxx at bat at Fenway Park
Red Sox and Yankees: Foxx, DiMaggio, Gehrig and Dickey
Red Sox with Chicago player.
Red Sox with Chicago player.
Red Sox
Red Sox / Yankees. Foxx and DiMaggio.
Red Sox and Senators.
Red Sox.
Jimmy Foxx as an Athletic with two Red Sox.
Red Sox Player greeted by teammate as he crosses the plate
Jimmy Foxx hitting home run at Fenway Park
Red Sox
Jimmy Foxx crossing Red Sox home plate
Fenway - Play at first
Red Sox at bat
New York vs. Sox - Jimmy Foxx is catching
Jimmie Foxx, Philadelphia A's.


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