Crime/Police: Millen-Faber [Murder Case]

Inspector Stokes of the state police. Man responsible for the arrest
Millen/Faber case.
Millen/Faber case.
Gateman who saw shooting
Millen/Faber case.
Millen/Faber case.
Millen/Faber case.
Last walk from Dedham courthouse after death sentence.
Capt. Charles J. Van Amburgh, state police ballistics expert with gun that shot Needham policemen
Millen/Faber case.
Mr. and Mrs. Faber with lawyer
Norma on trial
Mrs. Faber leaves state prison after seeing Abe for last time before electrocuted
Millen brothers brought back from N.Y. to Readville then to Dedham jail
Millen brothers brought back from N.Y. to Readville then to Dedham jail
Millen brothers brought back from N.Y. to Readville then to Dedham jail
Medical examiner McGrath and witnesses going into state prison to see Millen brothers and Faber [burn?] for murder of two policemen and others
Millen brothers brought back from N.Y. at Readville, Mass.
Millen brothers brought back from N.Y. at Readville, Mass.
Millen brothers brought back from N.Y. at Readville, Mass.
Dedham court room where Millens will be tried. This is a famous place in quiet Dedham
Millen brothers and Faber, Dedham court
Needham bank murder
Needham bank murder


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