Fire fighting
YMCA fire, Boylston Street |
Nighttime fire at South Street |
Five alarm fire at Back Bay Station |
General alarm fire at Odd Fellows Hall, corner of Berkeley and Tremont |
Two alarm R.H. White Co. Fire, Harrison Ave. |
Big fire at Fenway Park |
Fighting fire at Fenway Park |
Fenway Park fire |
Fighting Fenway Park fire |
Big Arena fire |
Fire at close range, Wharf Street |
Fighting the fire at the Back Bay railroad station |
Four alarm fire on South Street, at night |
Four alarm fire at Back Bay auto factory, 30 autos destroyed |
Three alarm fire on Thayer Street, South End, near Fire headquarters |
General alarm fire - Odd Fellows Hall - Corner Berkeley and Tremont |
South End - Albany St. |
Three alarm fire on Thayer St. near fire headquarters |
South End - Albany St. |
South End - Albany St. |
Six alarm fire at the Brighton Stock Yards |
Five alarm fire, Charlestown |
Fire boats fighting five alarm Charlestown fire |
Four alarm Charlestown fire, fireboats fighting blaze |