Football players

B.C. - Centre College action
B.C. vs. St. Anthems
B.C. vs. St. Anthems
B.C. vs. St. Anthems
B.C. vs. St. Anthems
Football action, B.C. vs. St. Anthems
Holy Cross players
School boy game
Red' Grange kicking as Carl Brumbaugh holds - quarterback for Chicago Bears. Braves field, Boston.
Red' Grange, great football player of the year of 1928
Early football
Football game at Braves Field
Captains of St. Marks and Groton, with referees, before game
Osmanski of Holy Cross
Boston Redskins vs. N.Y. Giants at Fenway
Action at Fenway Park
Boston College plays Catholic University at Braves field in pouring rain. B.C. won 6-0 (Adams of C.U. with Ball)
Action during Harvard-Yale game, Harvard Stadium
Rovinski of Holy cross passes to Montelli in big game at Fenway Park
Boston College vs. Centre College in new stadium. Cecil Hamilton, no. 26, of Centre, with ball.
Crickard of Harvard catches pass in second period against Penn State making the third goal


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