Parades & processions
Richard E. Byrd |
NY welcome Byrd and crew |
Celebration for Richard E. Byrd. |
Commander Byrd in Boston |
Commander Byrd arrival in Boston |
Commander Byrd in Boston |
Commander Byrd arrival in Boston |
Commander Byrd in Boston |
Lindy in Boston with Mayor Nichols |
Famous fliers here review parade in front of City Hall. Lindy and Byrd were there. |
Bremen fliers in Boston |
German-Irish Bremen foliers in Washington D.C. |
German-Irish Bremen foliers in Washington D.C. |
German-Irish fliers in NY celebration |
German-Irish fliers in NY celebration |
German-Irish fliers in NY celebration |
German-Irish fliers in NY celebration |
German-Irish fliers in NYC celebration |
German-Irish fliers get great welcome in NY |
German-Irish fliers in NYC celebration |
Boston police on parade, Boston Common |
Boston mounted police on parade |
Boston police on parade |
Boston Police Parade on Beacon Street |