Sports spectators

Bayard Tuckerman and Mrs. Fred Ayer at Myopia
Narragansett races
Rockingham, N.H. races
Race at Narragansett Park
Race at Narragansett Park
Race at Suffolk Downs
Crowd awaits start of race, Rockingham Park, Salem, N.H.
Crowd at Rockingham Park, Salem, N.H.
Crowd at Rockingham Park, Salem, N.H.
Big crowd, Rockingham Park, Salem, N.H.
Crowd watches race at Rockingham
Crowd at Rockingham
Racing at Rockingham
Race spectators at Raceland, Framingham
Horses walking down the track in Rockingham, Salem, N.H.
Crowd at Rockingham, Salem, N.H., for horse race
Jacobs Hill race at Clyde Park, Brookline Country Club from club house
Crowd at Raceland in Framingham, ready for races
Crowd at Rockingham in New Hampshire
Crowd at Rockingham in New Hampshire
Crowd at Rockingham, Salem, N.H.
Crowd at Narragansett (see program)
Crowd at Narragansett (see program)
Crowd gathering at Raceland for horse race, Framingham


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