German fliers, Boston - Back Bay Station |
Levine here in Boston (Wilmer Stultz) |
Wilmer Stultz & Charles Levine et al. with plane Columbia |
Wilmer Stultz in the plane Friendship before going across the ocean |
Wilmer Stultz, who piloted the plane Friendship across the ocean, with Miss Earhart aboard; also pilot of Byrd's South Pole plane. |
Wilmer Stultz standing side of tail of Byrd's 3-motor fokker that flies to the South Pole; plane 'Friendship' |
Wilmer Stultz talking over the radio at the Parkman bandstand, Boston |
Wilmer Stultz & his man-kite |
Wilmer Stultz |
17-year-old aviatrix Elinor Smith showing aeroplane to 18-year-old golf star Helen Hicks - Fairchild Field, Farmingdale, NY. |
Frank Hawks - famous flier at East Boston Airport. |
Fliers - East Boston |
Mrs. Dorothy Warrick, a student at East Boston Airport. From Pittsburg, PA. Wife of a Teck student flies with 'Hargenhaig,' her 13 blue ribbon English bulldog. |
Ernest K. Warburton with his 575HP pursuit plane at East Boston Airport |
Guggenheim & Doolittle |
Unidentified pilot |
Dorothy Forbes & Flying Parson |
Dorothy Forbes & Flying Parson's machine |
Mrs. Dorothy Warrick, a student at East Boston Airport. From Pittsburg, PA. Wife of a Teck student flies with 'Hargenhaig,' her 13 blue ribbon English bulldog. |
Miss Helen Hicks, 18-year-old golf star, and Elinor Smith, 17-year-old aviatrix, at Fairchild Field, Farmingdale, NY |
A.F. Maple, Anne Madison Washington and Major Jimmy Doolittle on tour commemorating postal service founding |
Famous fliers at City Hall |
Aviators including Richard Byrd and Lindy watch parade from stand in front of City Hall |
Miss Harriet Quimby, Boston girl aviator who lost her life trying to entertain the public at Squantum |
17-year-old aviator Elinor Smith posing next to propellor with 18-year-old golf star, Helen Hicks. Fairchild Field, Farmingdale, NY. |
Pilot Harry Jones lands on Boston Common |
Russell Boardman and the Herald 'Arbella' plane that toured the U.S. |
Quimby girl taken from marsh at Squantum after falling from her airship, Harvard-Boston aero meet |
Lt. Robert Baker (L) of the National Guard and Crocker Snow of Skyways, Inc. Arrive at East Boston Airport after flight from Wichita, Kansas. |
L-R: Maj. James Fitzmaurice, Irish transatlantic flyer, Floyd Bennett, pilot of Byrd's North Pole plane, Duke Schiller, who flew 1st plane to Greenly Island, and Bernt Balchen, pilot of Byrd's transatlantic flight, standing next to Ford monoplane that went to assist German fliers at Lake Ste. Agnes, Quebec |
Dorthy Forbes goes up in an aeroplane with the Flying Parson after he had won much honor winning the cross country race |
Wiley Post and Herald Gatty |
Wiley Post and Herald Gatty |
Williams and Chamberlin--going for record time in air |
Wiley Post and Herald Gatty |
Wiley Post and Herald Gatty |
French fliers visit Boston |
Oliver Ames. Later died when his plane went down |
Pilot of 'Bluebird' with new wife. Old Orchard, Maine |
Jean Assolant and wife, the former Pauline Parker. He flew from Old Orchard, Maine to Paris in the 'Yellow Bird' |
L-R: Robert Baker of Lafayette Escadrille and Lt. Crocker Snow of Lafayette Escadrille at East Boston airport. |
Lt. Richard Cobb - Speed king of this part of the country, East Boston Airport |
Lt. Richard Cobb - Speed king of this area putting on his outfit to fly north. East Boston Airport |
Squantun Naval Air Station - sea plane |
Clarence Chamberlin and Thea Rasche |
Mrs. Beryl Hart and Lt. William S. Maclaren just before their last flight. |
Chinese aviator Harry Dally King with Capt. Leyson at East Boston Airport |
Plane 'Roma' - Old Orchard Beach, ME. Dr Leon Pisculli, Cesare Sabelli, Piero Bonelli |
Roger Williams (Waving) and Cesare Sabelli - in cabin of Roma at Old Orchard, ME., before dash across the Atlantic. |
Famous aviator Atwood takes a passenger at Squantum. |
Lt. Ellwood R. Quesada, relief pilot from Bolling Field to go to Greenly Island, Labrador, to take over for Lt. Fairchild who was stricken with appendicitus, and Lt. Richard Cobb who took him |